Today: Oct 16, 2024

Prof. Hinton regretted it but regret won’t do any good result

1 week ago

The father of artificial intelligence, Prof. Geoffrey Hinton, claimed that the system would bring about the end of the world. Hinton, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, confesses but it is a bit late. From now on, there is no possibility of stopping artificial intelligence.

So, didn’t Geoffrey Hinton know that artificial intelligence was bad for humanity at first? He probably knew, but the possibility of it happening seemed low. Now he has withdrawn from the project.

Artificial intelligence may not completely destroy humanity, but it will definitely increase unemployment. At least 50 billionaire businessmen who only think about making money will start using artificial intelligence to both earn more and pay less.

For example, we may even see robots making burgers at McDonald’s very soon. In the meantime, work accidents may decrease. Can the number of people decrease? Maybe, but there is nothing known or predicted yet. Since Prof. Hinton left the project and is deeply concerned, he is aware of the impact that AI will create, and this impact has started to scare him. Maybe we may even see robots that become professors in the future.

The scientists who see themselves as demigods will eventually eat them too.

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