Today: Oct 16, 2024

Have you watched the Joker 2 movie? Here is our own star

3 days ago

Have you watched the Joker movie? When you look at the posters of the movie, which premiered in London, you may think it is the most important movie of the last century, but when you watch it, it is a complete disappointment.

Before we make our own analysis, let us remind you of this: Never watch a movie, book or documentary with the notes given by others. Do not go to movies that are given 4 or 5 stars on posters because they are perfect, exciting and breathtaking. Or if you do go, do not take these stars seriously, give your own star. Because everyone expects something different from a movie.

People’s culture, lived and acquired experience or education can help a work of art be perceived differently. In other words, a theater play that you love very much may be found stupid by someone else. Or a play that you find stupid may be evaluated as a masterpiece by someone else. Because people’s perception methods are synonymous with their lives.

Now let’s come to the analysis of the Joker movie.
A sleep-inducing movie. You literally start to sleep halfway through the movie.

Joaquin Phoenix, who played great in Joker 1, also plays very well in the second movie, but Lady Gaga is like an amateur next to him. The movie was bought so that he could sing, but his songs are not worth anything. There is not a single memorable song in the musical. There are boring songs, boring scenes.
Joaquin Phoenix is ​​a murderer who killed 6 people, but there are guards in prison who admire him. The guards will almost give Joaquin Phoenix, Arthur as he is called in the movie, a medal for killing 6 people.

We can’t go into more details because we left the theater before finishing the movie. It was a terrible movie and if I had to give it a star rating, it would be 4.9 out of 10

Even writing this article was boring.

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