Today: Oct 16, 2024

Open letter to Lord Alli: For God’s sake, don’t donate anymore!

3 weeks ago

Open letter to Lord Alli.

Mr Alli, we know you love the Labour Party and have supported it for years. You may support this party for its ideals and for the betterment of people. But it seems that you support the people who run the party rather than the party itself.

Please stop supporting the party leaders. We, as citizens, pay these people bags of money. The politicians are using you for their own personal gain. They are just giving you a pass to Nunber 10 and fooling you.

Don’t let PM Starmer and ministers get used to living for free. Let them spend their own money on their own personal expenses. Starmer and ministers have jobs and salaries that they have earned since the day they left. Please don’t let them keep these salaries in the bank and use your money. Don’t let them make fools of you.

Stop helping the party leaders. Stop giving them your house for free. See how weak the characters of those who call you and ask for money even for 2-3 thousand pounds are.

Mr. Alli, don’t trust politicians. Today they use you, tomorrow they use others. When they are finished with you, you will be the first to be thrown in the trash.

Please save the country from this tyranny of donations and announce that you will no longer be giving money to Starmer and ministers.

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