Today: Oct 16, 2024

4 unanswered questions for Labour voters about Labour donations

3 weeks ago

The working class is currently regretting voting for Labour. After Prime Minister Starmer, who they had previously considered one of them, announced that he was no longer working class and had moved to another class, millions of people began to experience disappointment in their lives.

Another thing that citizens are asking is: Is there no other donor to the Labour Party than Lord Ali? Why do Prime Minister Starmer and his ministers constantly beg for financial aid from Alli, why do they constantly stay at this donor’s house and buy clothes for themselves and their children with this donor’s money? Where are the other donors?

The third thing that is wondered is: Do Prime Minister Starmer and his ministers not spend the hundreds of thousands of salaries they receive, but keep them in their accounts? Because they constantly receive donations and charge donor Alli for clothes, hotel and other expenses, where do their salaries go?

How does Lord Alli get the value of the salary he gives?

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