Today: Oct 16, 2024

Underwear money: A historic embarrassment for Labour Party

4 weeks ago

Imagine a party where the clothes, inner and outer garments worn by the party leader are a hot topic because despite the salary the public gives him, he is still able to receive donations. The BBC wrote that members of the Labour Party were disturbed by Starmer’s ‘breathtaking’ wardrobe debate. They don’t have to be disturbed, they should also be ashamed. If they have no sense of shame, Starmer and his ministers will continue to receive donations for their own inner and outer garments.

The Labour Party cannot live with this shame. Starmer and his ministers must return the money they received from the businessman. Otherwise, it will be written that for the first time in UK history, a prime minister and his ministers even received their own personal underwear from a businessman.

It is truly a shameful situation for a party. Some members of the Labour Party refer to former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in X and keep writing that he had his number 10 residence built by a businessman.

Receiving money from a businessman for housing is one thing, receiving money for one’s own personal clothes and underwear is another. Also, one shame cannot be covered up with another shame. Both are shameful, but Starmer and his ministers’ are even more shameful.

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