Today: Oct 16, 2024

2 unstoppable and ever-increasing crimes in UK:Theft and knife crime

1 month ago

According to BBC news, thieves stole Akara Etteh’s phone in London. Police who tracked Etteh’s phone found that the phone was in China a month later.

People on the streets of London are now afraid to carry phones

There are two major criminal offenses in England. Both involve police negligence and indifference. The police do not take either of these criminal elements seriously.

One of them is stabbing and killing, the other is theft, shoplifting. Theft in particular has no punishment. Even business owners who see thieves robbing their businesses no longer feel the need to call the police because the police do not even come anymore.

The owner of the business who was robbed by the thief calls the police and the police ask. ‘What did the shoplifter steal?’ The owner of the business answers. ‘Food, drinks, a lot of things.’ The police’s response is exactly as follows. ‘Don’t call us for such small things. So the thief is hungry. He wouldn’t steal if he wasn’t hungry. Take him to a place where there are no cameras, beat him up and send him away.’

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