Breaking news: Arrest request for Hamas leaders and Netanyahu

The best news we’ve heard in recent months: The International Criminal Court is seeking an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leaders. We hope that this decision becomes final and both Netanyahu and Hamas leaders will be tried as war criminals.

Two important reasons why 40 thousand innocent people lost their lives: Netanyahu and Hamas leaders. They did not care about the deaths of innocent people for the continuation of their power. While Netanyahu, in particular, did not respond to the ceasefire calls rising from the world, the ever-increasing deaths continue to bleed consciences.

In fact, both Hamas leaders and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu should be searched by Interpol with a red notice. They should be arrested on sight and brought to war crimes tribunal.

There are judges and prosecutors in the world who no longer bow to the ugly interests of politicians. They are the hope of a livable world, and as long as they live, we will be able to be proud of our humanity.

Long live the brave members of justice who have not lost their honor and conscience…

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