Trump’s final decision. There is no 3rd gender, male and female.

1- US President Trump made the ‘two genders’ and anti-DEI policy official on his first day. He had already said in his statement, ‘There are two genders in the world: One is male, the other is female.’

Women objected to sharing their toilets with the third gender.

2- What will happen next? Third gender members will feel more excluded, especially the reaction of their opponents will be much harsher and they will be forced to hide their gender.

3- The third gender issue also means confusion in minds. Because some people approach it as if it were an intellectual issue. If you ask them, they don’t want their own children to be members of the third gender, but they demand respect for those who are. For example, while not all women find it right for members of the third gender to use the women’s bathroom, they can say that it is right. Because sometimes the intellectual perspective and idealism can prevent seeing the facts.It may be difficult for some to accept, but Trump may have even won over millions of Democrats with this decision.

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