1- The police have issued a new appeal for information about three babies abandoned by the same parents in East London shortly after birth. A fine of £20,000 will be paid to anyone who provides information.
2- The question is: why do people abandon their babies on the streets and disappear? There are many possibilities. You may say that these were unwanted babies, but can three babies be abandoned at the same time? If one baby is unwanted, why do they have a second and a third? Children were not made to receive benefits, otherwise they would not have been abandoned. After all, there is such a thing as a single mother and a mother with a child can be given a house and a salary. So the question becomes much more important. Why were these babies given up?
3- The most logical thing that comes to mind: Whether or not the children were smuggled into the country. These could be babies without a place of birth, document or family. If these babies were born in a hospital, they should have records. Three babies cannot be abandoned at the same time, it doesn’t make sense.