After Brazil closed down X, which belongs to Pinocchio Elon Musk, who lied and tried to start a civil war in the UK, a classic debate emerged. ‘Free Speech cannot be banned.’
For example, if you tell a lie in a newspaper or on TV, the courts will punish you for false news, but when you give the same false news on social media, it becomes free speech.
The world now has a new SOCIAL TABOO: Social Media Musk’s false tweets were read by millions of people and brought the people to the streets, but there is no punishment. Why, because the Social Media taboo.
If Pinocchio Elon Musk wrote an article in the New York Times saying ‘Civil war is inevitable in the UK’, the UK government could file a lawsuit against that article. The New York Times would not print that article anyway. Because it would know that it could be punished in return. But when you write that provocative lie on X, it becomes an environment of free speech.
The same penal system applied to the written press and television for false news and news that incites the public to rebellion should also be applied to social media outlets.
If it is a closure, it is a closure; if it is a fine, it is a fine; if it is a prison, it is a prison.