Health groups have taken action and supported Starmer, who wants smoking to be banned outdoors. They did, but they also issued a warning. According to the Guardian, UK MPs were called on to give up free products from tobacco, alcohol and junk food companies.
The call also drew attention to a subtle point. Health groups challenged Prime Minister Starmer to ban “unhealthy products” companies from giving gifts to MPs.
The problem and the result are revealed in this last request. What is the problem? The ban on unhealthy products. Where is the authority that will ban them? Parliament. So who are the ones who want these products to be banned by accepting gifts, donations and bribes from companies? Again, those in Parliament…
The situation is similar to the demand for a gun ban in the US? Most Americans want guns to be banned, but gun companies oppose this and shower congress members with gifts. Not just US congress members. They take control of governments in many poor countries by bribing them and sell weapons.
Cigarette companies are the same. Companies that have difficulty selling cigarettes in the West have bribed the poor country governments they have taken over to allow smoking, even their advertisements..
So Prime Minister Starmer has a tough job…
Reggie Regg