The red carpet was rolled out for Putin and the deal is out

1 min read

Putin was welcomed with magnificent ceremonies in North Korea. A red carpet was even laid out for Putin, who was welcomed with soldiers, children and men and women by Kim Youn-un, the interesting-haired leader of North Korea.

Then the expected thing happened and an arms deal was signed between the two countries. Meanwhile, something interesting happened and South Korea, which has provided limited aid to Ukraine so far, is ready to send weapons to Ukraine after Putin strikes North Korea deal.

I think what worried South Korea was North Korea’s agreement with Russia. The tension between South Korea and North Korea continued, but it was not troubling for South Korea.

We wonder what Dear Biden will say after this agreement. It is actually clear what Biden will say. ‘The leaders of the two countries that threaten world democracy are dictators and continue to oppress their own people. They have become a major threat to the region. ‘

We expect a profound statement from him soon.

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